Below you will find a brief introduction to what I like to call "Manners" or "Equivalent Exchange". These principles outline how I interact & live with my canines 100% of the time. I rarely brake these principles because I know if I brake, it will reflect in my canines attitude.
RULES -Create a set of rules that will be enforced at all times in and out of the home.
Here are a few to begin with;
Before receiving attention
Entering/exiting home/buildings
At Crosswalks
In-between/before grass patches on walks
Before they relieve themselves/go to the bathroom
After they have finished relieving themselves/ going to the bathroom
Before interacting with dogs or humans
At home when you are sitting on the couch, at the table, on the toilet or in bed resting
If they keep getting up when you ask them to sit
Before they are put on leash & before being let off leash ANYWHERE
After every command
Before leaving or entering the home
With the crate door open, before letting them out or going in
Before they receive anything that is considered to be a privilege
A privilege is anything that my dog needs me to have;
treats, scraps from my plate, the couch we sit on, the bed we sleep in, the car we drive in.
If my canine would not have this luxury without a human, that thing is considered a privilege & value should be built around these privileges so that my canines respect me and listen when I ask for things and value when they do receive a privilege rather than act entitled
Now that I have established some ground Rules for how I interact with my canines I ask myself a few important questions;
Where is my dog permitted to be?
If I have a 2 year old human child, would that child be permitted to go wherever they want or do what ever they desire in the house without supervision ?
A dog stays at the intellectual level of a toddler for the duration of their life.
If I am to treat this statement as a fact then does it make sense for me to leave my canine unsupervised?
Boundaries are where the doggo is allowed to be and where they are not allowed to be. It could be ok to let my 3 year old canine chew on their bone in the living room while I am in another room but I definitely would not leave my puppy or even 1 year old dog in that situation.
If I were to leave my young pup alone for an extended period of time my best bet would be to utilize a crate so I know without a doubt my pup will be safe and my couch wont be chewed up.
Here are some general Rules of thumb;
My canine should always be within my line of sight
Under control or on leash (even in the house)
In their crate relaxing or occupying themselves
Let us go over what a few Boundaries are in my house.
I will either follow a line on the floor, use tape to create a clear line or MARK a Boundary by utilizing a command at the desired distance
To mark a clear Boundary I utilize the Rules mentioned earlier.
I will utilize Rules to MARK and reinforce Boundaries
Yes ! There are exceptions. My dogs have been respecting the Boundaries with immaculate valor. Waiting respectfully to know what it is we would like from them, receptive to our direction and not bouncing off the walls.
They have not been begging me to eat what is in my hand or jumping up on me for my attention then I want to reward them by allowing for them to indulge in privileges. They still have to work for these privileges however I will invite them on the bed to lay with me or in my seat to sit with me OR to lay down at my feet while I eat so I may give them the scraps.
When I move from room to room at home, I will call my canines by their name saying __________come! Followed by a Rule.
Now I have implemented Rules & Boundaries, in an environment where we know they can be successful & save me the stress of beginning/learning in a park with hundreds of distractions
In the beginning our dogs will be not want to listen, become easily disinterested throwing “tantrums” because up until this point they were entitled.
When I have a new dog or a Board & Train & ask them to sit, down or come, they break or go do something else other than listen. This is actually where we get to teach them what it is that we are asking and this is when the real "training" begins.
The more we show them what we want, the more likely they will be to understand & the better life is for everyone.
REMEMBER* If we have not been practicing these principles they will be new and almost torturous to the canine.
If they do not listen, DO NOT PANIC, calmly walk over to them, no nagging, do not call, do not ask. Simply put a leash on them or grab them by their collar and LEAD them to where we asked them to be. Repeat this until they stay for the duration of whatever it is we are doing.
*Watch how exciting this exercise becomes as it shifts from an exercise to a routine to “it is just how it is supposed to be”. We will build faith and trust in our dogs when we task them with simple things and they are successful. This will let us know we can move on to bigger, better and more exciting tasks!
Limitations, to me, are kind of like the exceptions stated earlier.
Here is a scenario;
We are sitting on the couch, our pooch has been respectful of the Boundaries AND Rules by laying down beside the couch staying put. They haven’t been whining to come up, moving all over the place, chewing our shoes or getting distracted by outside noises that they feel the need to inspect. They have just been listening, waiting & relaxing. It is time to let them up on the couch! They have earned it !!!!
Here is where the Limitation comes in.
How long will they be able to stay on the couch?
5, 10, 15 minutes ?
It does not matter what we choose, so long as when we ask for them to get off they actually do.
This reinforces Rules because once they get off the couch I will ask them to sit, down and stay. Then I get to work on Boundaries because we are creating a clear boundary by letting them know the couch is a privilege. They are only permitted to be on the couch when invited.
Lastly we are putting into practice, limitations, by allowing them to indulge in their privileges BUT controlling how long they are allowed to do so.
With Rules, Boundaries and Limitations the most important factor that will tie these together is CONSISTENCY.
If we only do these things 25% of the time then we will not achieve impressionable results that last.
Do not stop when results start to surface!
The respect, synergy, and deepening of the relationship created will have you in awe!